Murie Creek workshop
Elders and members of the Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation met to discuss the future of local waterway Murie Creek
Collaborations - LP049-012
The issue
Murie Creek - a small waterway just south of Condobolin - has historical significance for Aboriginal people in the area, and there is enthusiasm to investigate and manage the area for both cultural heritage and ecological integrity.
The solution
Staff from NSW DCCEEW (formerly DPE) organised and convened the workshop which was held on May 15 and 16. As well as group discussions and presentations from both DCCEEW and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWO), practical demonstrations of fish and invertebrate sampling were also conducted at the creek.
The impact
Participants learnt about the animals that inhabit Murie Creek and discussed the relevance of the area with regard to local Aboriginal history. More work is planned for the future.
Key facts
- Elders and members of the Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation met to discuss Murie Creek.
- The historical relevance of the area to local people was discussed in detail.
- Field studies of invertebrates and fish in Murie Creek were undertaken.