First Aid Skills for Coastcarers

Manning Coastcare members upskilled in crucial First Aid techniques

First Aid Skills for Coastcarers

Manning Coastcare members upskilled in crucial First Aid techniques

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

Through her visits to Manning Coastcare groups to speak with them and seek their input, it became apparent to the local coordinator that there was a great desire for First Aid training among all members. It had been some years since the last First Aid training had been made available and members felt they were in need of a refresher.

The solution

Local accredited First Aid training providers were researched, and a highly-rated one contacted to discuss our requirements. A two hour session tailored to the needs of Coastcare volunteers was developed and delivered by Coastal First Aid ( In addition to the necessary CPR training, there was a focus on heat stroke, snake/spider bite, ticks, and puncture wounds. Five sessions were organised across three different venues and dates to provide as much opportunity as possible for all members to attend. 

The impact

Forty-one Manning Coastcare members attended one of the five training sessions, many of whom provided excellent feedback. 21 attendees responded to a request for feedback. Asked how "useful and informative" they found their session the average rating was 4.9/5, regarding how "enjoyable" it was the average response was 4.95/5. One responder said "It was great! Being a retired State Registered Nurse attending the First Aid Course with an excellent facilitator was reassuring and updating.  I learnt so much and updated my knowledge, bought me up to speed for an occasion in which I hope I never have to use".


Asking for and responding to the training desires of members results in enthusiastic engagement and response. Ensuring that the training delivered is as relevant as possible to the needs of attendees and that as much flexibility as possible is provided in terms of timing and location of training sessions also ensures best possible outcomes.

Key facts

  • 41 Manning Coastcare members attended one of five First Aid training sessions
  • Training sessions were tailored to meet the needs of Coastcare volunteers
  • Attendees rated the sessions an average of 4.9/5