Walk in the Rainforest, Old Bar

Engaging the community at Old Bar in the protection of littoral rainforest

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI015-051

The issue

Weed infestations of the littoral rainforest at Old Bar have been worked on for years by Manning Coastcare and the battle is definitely being won, despite ongoing work that needs to be done. The continued erosion of the beachfront, however, and the loss of the fore-dune mean the forest is under even more threat. There is generally a lack of understanding within the community of the importance of the beach dunes and littoral rainforest; and there is a need for more volunteer workers to undertake the ongoing weeding and planting program.

Littoral rainforest occurs just behind the sand dune at Old Bar and is recognized as an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Although degraded the area is still considered as an EEC and has conservation value. Old Bar beach faces a significant erosion threat which has meant the loss of the foredune. The hind dune is now very vulnerable to erosion and, if lost, it is only a matter of time before the rainforest is also lost.

The solution

Funding from Local Land Services enabled a two-pronged approach to be implemented in 2016. Firstly, a ‘Walk in the Rainforest’ was organized for interested locals and secondly, two signs are being organized with respect to the rainforest and its importance. Some 1500 flyers on the rainforest walk were letter-boxed to the greater Old Bar area and others were left for collection in local shops. As a consequence, the workshop on 24 September 2016 was overfilled and another one was organized for 29 October 2016.

The impact

Those attending gave only positive feedback and generally indicated it was very educational, interesting, informative and enjoyable. Individual comments indicated they had ‘learnt a lot re plant identification’; ‘can now identify more weeds’; and ‘learnt a lot about how the sand barriers work - the explanation was very helpful’.

Six people joined Manning Coastcare group and have already been active volunteers in the Old Bar area. The signs, when installed will be a lasting reminder to those using the area on how important the littoral rainforest is and why it needs to be protected.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Increased community knowledge of the importance of littoral rainforest and the beach dune system
  • Increased numbers of volunteer workers at Old Bar and increased membership of Manning Coastcare

Project Partners