River Red Gum Planting
Murrurundi Landcare gets together to help in the recovery of an endangered population.
Making a Difference - LLCI014-066
The issue
The endangered Hunter Valley population of River Red Gum is unique as it is the only one in NSW to occur in a coastal catchment and is of conservation significance as it is genetically distinct. The historic distribution of this species has been greatly reduced due to land clearing for timber and agriculture, and changes to the hydrology of the Hunter Catchment.
The solution
Through the Local Landcare Coordinator for the Upper Hunter funding was successfully secured from the Hunter Region Landcare Network. The Hunter Region Landcare Network offers funding to residents and groups for planting the threatened Hunter Valley River Red Gum in locations of suitable habitat.
With the added problem of grazing by feral deer, the Landcare group had to work with Murrurundi Men’s Shed to create deer-proof guards to protect the young trees while they grow.
The impact
As a result of this project 40 River Red Gums were planted in ideal habitat along the Pages River near Wilson Memorial Oval in Murrurundi. These plants will form part of the Eucalyptus camaldulensis population in the Hunter catchment, which is an endangered population. Thanks to the local Men’s Shed these trees will be protected by guards as they grow.
Key facts
- Threatened Species Recovery
- 40 River Red Gum’s Planted
- 40 Deer-proof guards made
- 8 Landcarers involved