Check out Resources for Landholders and Landcare Members

Are you interested in improving the sustainability of your property? Who isn't? It makes sense as well as being a great way to contribute to improving our land for everyone's benefit. This site is being developed to provide links for Landholders to do their own research and for Landcarers to improve their knowledge of restoration works. Please note this site is a work in progress. If you have suggestions for resources. Please let me know by emailing

The sites below provide resources for landholders to learn more about sustainably manage their land. 

Wingecarribee Rural Living Handbook 

Riparian Management Tubestock guide and assessment resources (Rivers of Carbon)

ANU Sustainable Farms - Resources and Tools

Stock and Waterways a NSW manager's guide. 

Greening Australia's guide to Establishing native vegetation 

The Mulloon Institute - property scale rehydration and restoration educations and community events.

The Greater Sydney Rural Living Handbook

Planning Revegetation

Planting your patch

Resources for planting endemic (local) plants can be found at Wariapendi Native Nursery Plant Selection Brochures

Please note Wariapendi also provide a landscaping and revegetation service.