Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project (SHKCP) planting day
Thanks to the help of the University of Technology's 'The Big Lift' and a band of local volunteers, SHLN had a very successful planting day on Saturday 13th April. It was a delight to work with such an enthusiastic group of people. The students were a joy. They discussed the importance of community and taking action to support their beliefs about climate change while they worked and seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to be with us. None of this would have been possible without the SHKCP led by Casey Taylor at Wingecarribee Shire Council. Casey provided plants and contractors to dig holes as well as do following up watering.
Over 300 shrubs and trees were planted on a beautiful Land for Wildlife property at Canyonleigh. This property is part of a very important koala habitat corridor and the landholders are to be admired for their dedication to enhancing habitat on their land. They had already planted over a 100 trees and this time were were planting understory shrubs as well as tree to enhance biodiversity. There are a few remanent E. Cinerera (the Argyle Apple) scattered around the property. We planted a ring of E. Cinerera around each of them with the aim of creating 'habitat hops'. There were also a large number of lomandras planted to help with an erosion zone. Landcare volunteers are returning on Saturday 20th to further assist the landholders with maintenance of previous plantings.