Araluen Creek Restoration Project Summary 2021-2023

UDCLG’s 2020 application to the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund was successful and the group received $290,000 to implement sediment control strategies in the Araluen Creek below the Neringla Bridge to its confluence with the Deua River. The lengthy drought, extreme bushfires and sixteen major flooding events in the past 3 years had created such high levels of damage that only major efforts could be employed to stabilise the Araluen Creek and its tributaries.

Together with our partners - Local Land Services, Soil Conservation Service and Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council we assessed the damage and identified 13 sites requiring immediate attention in order to prevent further catastrophic outcomes for the Araluen Valley and those downstream who depend on good water quality.  Improvements in stream stability will improve water quality, biodiversity and agricultural resilience.

Identified sites included stream bed erosion and bank collapse, sediment movement, stream deviations, weed infestation and instability created by the burnt landscape.  Continuous and extreme weather events meant remedial action was a matter of urgency to intervene, or risk future weather extremities continuing to adversely impact the water catchment, its tributaries and the riparian zones of the Araluen Creek and Upper Deua river.


The grant success enabled UDCLG to devolve aspects of the project to ensure we maximised the outputs and outcomes from the project.  Community involvement, landowner involvement and commitment was facilitated by UDCLG engaging a designated Community Liaison Officer.  The project officer provided monthly newsletters and maintained effective communication between landowners, Soil Conservation and other devolved aspects that rested with USLC.  USLC managed 6 workshops and engaged the local videographer for a short film of the project.  USLC also partnered with us effectively to deliver the re-planting days which were so successful.


The UDCLG received a positive and enthusiastic response from landowners along the Araluen Creek and its main tributaries keen to participate and be part of this vital project.  The positive benefits to both the landowner and the health of the creek are extensive and has been proven by past project outcomes increasing water quantity and stabilization of flood damaged locations.  In-stream log sills and stabilisation works have remediated many sites along the creek.  Log sill installations in situ for many years are still performing well and serving their purpose.

A great PowerPoint summary of the Project can be found HERE

Project Outputs that supported community engagement: 

  • 17 monthly newsletters distributed to keep the community informed through the project stages.
  • Regular Media Releases to Braidwood Bugle, Changing Times and distributed throughout the Landcare network by the Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council.
  • Radio exposure via local community station – Braidwood 88.9 FM.
  • 9 workshops of relevance to the project presented by Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council.
  • 3 major planting days with over 60 volunteers in attendance, equivalent to 400 voluntary hours.
  • Group meetings and planning meetings held regularly. A total of 700 hours.

The co-ordination of all the facets of the project was supported by monthly meetings and the support of the broader Araluen community.

Araluen Valley Map: Araluen Creek Restoration Project Site Locations


  1. Head-cutting on side creek at dredge hole (L1)
  2. Bank erosion in main creek at side creek confluence and outside bend (L3)
  3. Minor erosion to flood-runner sediments (M3)
  4. Head-cutting in paddock threatening access and creek stability (L2)
  5. Big tree choke diverting flows into banks and bed (M1)
  6. Erosion at former sand sausage site (M2)
  7. Flood diversion leading to severe bank erosion, and other problems (C1)
  8. Fallen trees and bed erosion (Lease2)
  9. Severe erosion of outside bend (Lease1)
  10. Severe bed erosion above main road crossing, Dirty Butter Creek (I1)
  11. Washed out crossing and bed erosion (H2)
  12. Washed out crossing and bed erosion (H2)
  13. Bank erosion and possible flood-runner bed erosion (H&P1)

This is an exert from the Araluen Creek Restoration Project 2021-2023 Report compiled and prepared by Cath Harrison, UDCLG Project Community Liaison Officer. The full report can be found HERE.


This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement

Cath Harrison
Copyright Upper Deua Catchment Landcare Group 2023. Written by Cath Harrison.