Case Studies

Land for Wildlife a perfect fit for Landcare

The government supported 'Land for Wildlife' property assessment program is free to landholders providing them a host of landscape information and access to grant funding

June 2024  

Open Day at Travelling Stock Reserve

Winding up 3 years of NSW Environmental Trust funding, USLN hosted a showcase open day. Many groups and individuals were invited including all local landholders.

June 2023  

Putting a Woodland behind a fence

Monaro "Woodstock property" puts woodland behind a fence with Upper Snowy Landcare Network

June 2022  

A biodiversity leg up for Snowy Monaro bush country

By the end of Spring 2021, Upper Snowy Landcare and an ever expanding list of financial backers, on-ground partners and local volunteers will have invested a huge amount of environmental, financial and social capital into the dieback region of the Monaro.

July 2021  

Life After Death

What to do with the dieback trees?

July 2020  

Tree Dieback Project in just 4 years

14 biodiversity plots in the ground and funding in place for a further 14.

May 2019  

Art for Trees Sake

How are young people grappling with the death of thousands of Ribbon Gums in the Monaro landscape?

September 2018  

Landcare Calendar

Engaging primary school children, teachers & the community in the Upper Snowy with our annual calendar.

June 2017  