Agri System Development
Creating a range of Agri system opportunities in the Wakool region
Capacity to Deliver
The issue
This project was developed to implement elements of the Wakool Regional Adaptation Strategy including Agri system Development and industry cluster support through the establishment of focus groups/focus group champions delivering 7 workshops and 10 mentoring sessions. Additionally, development of an online sales platform to demonstrate direct to market/supply chain efficiency and a business development program to encourage new innovations in the area.
The project was modified due to the global pandemic and slow take up on the Business Development Program. Along with rapidly changing regulations and delays due to lockdown, cross border permits and isolation mandates, participants also struggled with connectivity making online content difficult.
The solution
Due to the challenges in the delivery of the program WMLIG decided to pivot focussing on the establishment of the Industrial Hemp Cluster Group, Biochar cluster group and Wakool Producer Group which gained momentum and garnered much interest from the targeted area, including trials and new networks.
The impact
The pivot away from the Business development program provided a pathway for information to flow between neighbours and community members to encourage businesses to adopt new markets/supply chains/diversifications and transformation strategies, however in a different format than first envisaged.
WMLIG staff increased from 2 FTE (Full Time Equivalents) at the commencement of the project to employing 11 full and part time staff. Five staff were employed directly under this project who have gained new skills and knowledge and moved on to new professional jobs in the region and some remaining with WMLIG in other roles.
The project help dilute fixed business costs for WMLIG, making more funding available to scope up other projects.
Key facts
- Ongoing local employment created by this project
- Community leadership developed
- Demonstrated the ability to pivot during global pandemic
- Connectivity hindered online course engagement