Capacity Building Program
Broadening Ideas, Skill Sets and Capacity in the Wakool Region
Capacity to Deliver
The issue
The Wakool Region has been impacted severely by the Basin Plan water reform process. Net 88GL (35%) of surface water irrigation entitlements were recovered. The socio-economic wealth decile rating dropped from 5 to 2 (lowest 20% of community wealth ratings), limiting the financial capacity to adapt to change.
The solution
WMLIG received funding from the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Program to fund community capacity building.
The aim of this program was to improve underlying skills and workforce capability that supports economic development, provides the structure, plans and support to connect the community and establish collaboration processes for partnerships with business, industry, government, research, and education institutions. The project enables investment opportunities for local trials and adoption of modern technologies, business solutions and innovation programs that lead to commercial outcomes.
The proposal included two innovation forums with keynote speakers, a business coaching program allowing business to partake in business development opportunities and follow up masterclasses, field days to provide information and targeted support to rural landholders while delivering capacity building activities including 16 workshops held over 2 years.
Individual subsidies to capacity building workshops were offered to broaden participant ideas and skills sets and improve business capabilities.
The impact
In total, 28 capacity building activities were completed with 603 attendees, providing resources for improved business efficiency and resilience via integration of modern technology, value adding and agribusiness diversification opportunities.
The project has left a legacy for the region via additional funding that has been able to be leveraged, or scoping papers being used as a reference for future project development.
Leadership skills have been developed in the community, in particular leaders in the hemp, biochar and local producers. Through this program WMLG has developed links and relationships with a wide variety of presenters resources and training organisations and have become the go to for our landholders when they are looking at ways to improve business outcomes.
Key facts
- 603 attendees participated in 28 activities
- 15 Case Studies completed
- Three local innovations were funded
- Three Cluster Groups established