Fish Screens

Little forest fish screen update 2024

Fish Screens

Little forest fish screen update 2024

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

Western Murray Land Improvement Group (WMLIG) has coordinated the installation of two fish screens on pumps along the Murray River and is offering an opportunity to learn about this operation.

Attendees were invited to an information session at the demonstration site on May 17, 2024, to gain insights from fish screen experts from NSW DPI Fisheries, fish screen manufacturer AWMA, and local fish ecologist Dr. John Conallin. The session covered fish screen technology and its impact on the local ecosystem.

The fish screens have been installed on two private irrigation pumps that deliver environmental water to the Koondrook-Perricoota RAMSAR Wetland site. Previously, the pipes lacked fish screens, which meant native fish could be pumped into the endangered wetland site, and invasive fish species could be introduced.

The solution

Engineered by AWMA Water Control Solutions and installed by Gleeson Excavations, fish screens act as barriers to prevent fish from being drawn into water pumps.

These screens exclude native fish, fish eggs, and other objects from entering the diverted flow, protecting turtles, platypus, and other animals, as well as isolating weed and debris. The screens also exclude invasive aquatic species being pumped into sensitive RAMSAR wetland sites.

The exclusion of debris reduces system downtime, increases energy efficiencies, and improves water quality.

The impact

The installation of fish screens can protect up to 90% of fish and effectively blocks debris. The reduction in water velocity does not compromise the extraction volume.

Modern fish screens are not only about protecting fish; they also bring multiple benefits to water systems. By protecting various aquatic species and reducing debris, these screens contribute to more efficient and sustainable water management practices. The involvement of experts and ecologists at the demonstration session provides valuable insights into the technology's pros and cons and its effects on local ecosystems.

Attendees of the Information Session have gained an understanding of the benefits and functionalities of fish screens.

Increased awareness and adoption of fish screen technology can lead to better biodiversity conservation and enhanced operational efficiency in water management systems.

This project is supported by Western Murray Land Improvement Group, through funding from the Australian Government’s Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program.

Key facts

  • 22 people attended field day to listen to subject matter experts
  • Modern screens can protect up to 90% fish
  • The exclusion of debris improves water quality & reduce maintenance costs
  • Supports local manufacturing and economic stimulus

Project Partners