Improving Resources

Employment of additional labour resource fulfilling group objectives

Improving Resources

Employment of additional labour resource fulfilling group objectives

Building our Future -


The issue

Western Murray Land Improvement Group has expanded operations significantly over recent years. Increased project activities, growing community needs, evolving governance functions and strategic planning objectives have meant that employees are extremely time constrained. As a result, the group has been unable to service all of these requirements to their desired expectations. Any further expansion for the group would be unsustainable in it's current form.

The solution

The need for another labour resource was identified during the group's strategic planning process. It was determined that this individual should be employed as a Project Officer and CSO/LLCI support. This position would improve resilience of the group by having more than once person with knowledge in any particular role. In response to this decision, a contractor was hired to undertake the aforementioned tasks.

The impact

Employment of another labour resource has expanded WMLIG's ability to meet organisation aspirations identified by the group. Membership services have been enhanced through improved communication and reach of information; with the project officer regularly updating a website, social media and a monthly newsletter. Analytical capabilities of the group have been refined to identify community needs, district practices and useful information for future planning. Governance has also improved, as the LLCI now has more time to address group objectives. Further project work has been obtained in the field of agricultural sustainability and a new stream of funding brought to the group.

By increasing the labour resource available to the group, WMLIG are now able to provide improved services to community groups, members and individuals in the Western Murray region.

Key facts

  • Expanding labour resources has increased funding opportunities for the group
  • WMLIG now has more time for projects, governance and community support
  • Improved promotional material to increase awareness and engagement in group activities
  • Improve member services