Industrial Hemp Trial

Trials to establish the benefits of hemp production within the region.

Industrial Hemp Trial

Trials to establish the benefits of hemp production within the region.

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

The Hemp Cluster Group which was formed in June 2021 on the back of local interest in Hemp and agreed to a set action items to progress an opportunity to develop hemp industry with Murray River LGA. The group provides the impetus for Western Murray Land Improvement Group (WMLIG) and individual landholders to strategically develop a staged approach to creating the industry that will provide economic, social, and environmental benefits for the region.

The solution

Establish the benefits of hemp production - bring together simple clear information that provides the return on investment for a commercial scale value add process and manufacturing, with the intent to build local infrastructure and community resilience. Identify uses and benefits of hemp in cropping rotation. Collate information on potential of biochar as a seed dressing input during planting. Establish a series of field trials with Hemp cluster group to demonstrate plant effectiveness in this region. Implement trial plots in collaboration with experienced local businesses and specialised Hemp consultants. Investigate the business case for local hemp production and manufacturing. Collate information on production, processing, and marketing. Establish partnerships throughout the value chain e.g., local community, investors and business partners including R&D partners. Establish a Hemp Industry Stakeholders list. Identify potential synergies between Hemp production and Biochar use on farm.

The impact

Completed a 7ha demonstration trial using 5 varieties on Nick Warne and Stephanie Anthony’s farm in the Tullakool area. Producing 20 tonnes of biomass to process locally a have forward sold to The Hemp Building Company (THBC) to be used in builds in swan hill, Melbourne and Canberra. 3.5 tonne of seed was harvested with conventual header and dried and Marcus and Bree Nalders farm, current stored locally but yet to confirm a buyer. Two field successful field were held with 125 people attending including many industry representatives impressed with collaborative approach to build a sustainable local industry. Independent company has completed prefeasibility study that has positive outlook for to develop processing and manufacturing industry within our region. Expert agronomist company Hemp Farming Systems has developed a growers guide to document all aspects of growing Hemp; this is available to all cluster group members.

This project was funded by the Australian Government under the Murray–Darling Basin Economic Development Program and Murray River Council.

Project Partners