Managing Established Pest Animals & Weeds Project (MEPAAW)

Local Links - Stronger Communities - MEPAAW-MU-01

The issue

Although there are many information tools available on how to identify, control and contain pest and weed incursions from spreading it has been identified that there is a lack of understanding on who to contact to receive this information. Some people don’t know what reference material is available nor whom to contact.
Important tools such as the Murray Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan need to be made available to the landholders as well as identifying local priority weeds and modes of action to use.
Landholders need to be made aware of their biosecurity responsibilities and the benefits of monitoring and control.

The solution

WMLIG along with our project partners decided to hold workshops throughout the region inviting local staff working in pest and weed control to discuss local issues and control options and encourage landholders to connect with these staff.
The workshops were designed as a networking opportunity between landholders, local and state government agencies and industry representatives. Food was provided to allow time for discussion over breakfast or lunch and the intention was to make them informal and relaxed to allow questions and discussion.
The workshops were held in small community halls in Mallan, Tullakool, Pretty Pine and Mayrung covering a large geographical area.

The impact

In attendance were key contacts in the area for biosecurity and weed control, local and state government representatives, Landcare, MDBA and Ricegrowers Association. In doing so, networking opportunities were created, enabling collaborative opportunities between farmers and agencies to conduct actions. The program enabled landholders to gain an understanding of actions and plans that are being conducted in the region e.g. MLLS determination of the feral pest population in State Forests and National Parks, the control measures being enacted and future plans.
Landholders were made aware of the role of Landcare and projects being ran in the local region and the importance of coordinated weed and pest control actions, and the impact of neighbours not cooperating was highlighted.

Author: Roger Knight

Key facts

  • 63 people in attendance
  • Over 2000 people reached
  • Four locations over a large geographical area

Project Partners