One Basin CRC

Incentivising and Investing in Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Practices

Collaborations - LEP_23-023_LLC004

The issue

This two-year research project aims to identify the best ways to encourage climate adaptation and sustainable practices among Basin landholders through meaningful incentives and private investment. We will coordinate private investment markets, landholders, and communities to fund Basin health initiatives, guided by a practical multi-level adoption framework.

Challenges in adopting sustainable strategies include:

  • Fragmented adoption research
  • Limited focus on non-financial incentives
  • Few financial incentives recognising landholder contributions to Basin health
  • Past reliance on government investment

The solution

The project will explore new incentive and investment opportunities, conducting case studies to test real-world applications aimed at promoting sustainable strategies through financial and non-financial returns for landholders and private investors.

This project, involving Basin landholders, industry representatives, environmental managers, and researchers, will be delivered in three phases:

Phase 1: Identify and prioritise key climate adaptation and water stewardship practices for incentivisation and private investment. Review existing adoption frameworks and instruments, and draft a new multi-level adoption framework.

Phase 2: Validate Phase 1 findings using co-design methods to develop new investment and incentive concepts. Test and trial the multi-level adoption framework with selected cases.

Phase 3: Trial the new/revised incentive and investment instruments from Phase 2, supported by the project's multi-level adoption framework.

The impact

Key expected project outcomes include the promotion of new investment and incentive instruments and associated guidance designed to support Landholders to access incentives and private market based finance which recognise their contributions to Basin health and climate resilience. The project’s multi-level adoption framework is expected to support the successful facilitation of practice change across the Basin.

Author: Tahlia Stewart

Key facts

  • Project co-design phase included 15 individuals from Landcare, Research institutions, industry and agencies
  • 7 project partners, including WMLIG
  • 9 member Project Advisory Committee

Project Partners