Resilient Pastures RCS Grazing Clinic

A 2.5 day grazing clinic for local landholders, focussing on how to build resilience and prepare for dry times. The clinic was run by Resource Consulting Services (RCS) Australia.

Capacity to Deliver

The issue

This training was a part of WMLIG’s larger project, Resilient Pastures for a Changing Climate. The clinic offered learning across 6 main topics: Ecology, Soils and Plants, Grazing Principles, Grazing – Drought and Flood Management, Planning, Time Control Grazing, and Economics. Participants also attended a half day on-farm demonstration where learnings from the clinic were shown a paddock scenario. 

Many landholders have looked at the long-term weather predictions in recent months and realised dry times are again on their way. Wanting to be prepared but unsure of what steps to take, WMLIG’s RCS Grazing Clinic offered training to participants to provide them with the necessary tools to prepare their farming enterprises. Many landholders were interested in the training but admitted the length, cost, and time of year of the course could limit uptake. 

The solution

The RCS Training Clinic ran from 15th-17th August, which for many landholders is a quiet period of the year. 

A training subsidy was offered to eligible NSW landholders willing to join the larger project to make the clinic more accessible to landholders interested in furthering their knowledge and preparing for a changing climate.  

This subsidy was utilised by 26 landholders, allowing them to attend the training and save $1400 each. 

The impact

28 landholders representing almost 50,000 ha in the WMLIG catchment area attended the training, with approximately 80% stating they are highly likely to implement learnings from the training in their farming operations. This leads to improved resilience on farm and offers a buffer against dry conditions for over 40,000ha of farming land. 

All participants were interested in forming a focus group going forward, to share ideas and learnings with one another.  

All participants expressed desire to discuss their learnings from the training with their neighbours and fellow participants. 

Author: Roger Knight

Key facts

  • 1 on-farm site visit
  • 6 core subjects covered
  • 28 participants in total
  • 26 subsidised places for NSW landholders offered
  • 26 NSW landholders
  • $36,400 saved by landholders through the subsidy.

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