The Geological History of the Wakool System

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI018-014

The issue

The Wakool River plays a major role in the ecological and social viability of the Central Murray Local Land Services area. The river connects with water dependant agricultural communities, Central Murray Ramsar forests and other key wetlands and creeks influencing surrounding river hydrology, water quality and biodiversity.

Wakool River Association realised that there was little known about the history and significance of the rivers in the region at both community and government levels. They identified a need to develop an educational tool to brief government employees as well as the general public.

The solution

The Wakool River Association developed an educational video and brochure that capture the natural, social, cultural and economic values of the Wakool River System, including system management considerations. The project was supported by Western Murray Land Improvement Group and Murray Local Land Services with funding from the National Landcare Programme.

The impact

A large crowd of community members and government agencies (approx. 90) gathered for the launch of the multi-media package in August 2018, titled ‘An Inland Delta: A Geological History of the Wakool System’.  Special guest for the evening was Jody Swirepik, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder. Attendees were shown the 9 minute video before given the opportunity to ask questions of both WRA and Jody Swirepik.

A second stage of the project is planned that will see materials developed and used in local schools.

The video is available to view on you Tube and copies of the brochure available from WMLIG.


Significant labour impost on editing changes to the draft brochure
Have a well-developed transcript prepared prior to filming
Suggestions for the future multimedia material is that material is agreed upon and completed prior to seeking funding, as editing changes impact significantly on labour and budgetary resources.

Author: Roger Knight

Key facts

  • Many community members involved in desk top research
  • Project working committee formed
  • 8 page brochure developed (500 copies)
  • Professional DVD produced and placed on YouTube

Project Partners
