2019 Photos https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/yanco-creek-and-tributaries-advisory-council/photos-and-videos/2019-photos https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/@@site-logo/landcare-nsw-logo-200.png 2019 Photos Water Weeds Aquatic Weeds Water weeds Spraying Mexican Water Lily Water lilies (Nymphaea species) Spraying Mexican Water Lily Water lilies (Nymphaea species) African Boxthorn African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) Native gums with aquatic weeds behind Weed Free Patch of Creek Willows taking hold Willows before treatment and removal. Natural beauty of the Yanco Creek System Surveying Nella Smith in the field monitoring with CSU and YACTAC. Surveying Anna Turner in the field monitoring as part of the MER (monitoring, evaluation, research) program. Southern bell frog Southern bell frog Frog surveying
Surveying Anna Turner in the field monitoring as part of the MER (monitoring, evaluation, research) program.