2024 Photos
Leigh Logan delivered to YACTAC 22,273 golden perch fingerlings for Billabong Creek, Conargo. Photographed with Andrea Mitchell< project Officer YACTAC.
On April 14th, 2024, YACTAC released 160 eel-tailed catfish at Jerilderie, with Murrumbidgee Council and Jerilderie Fishing Club attending.
YACTAC released 240 eel-tailed catfish at Conargo with local community helping on Sunday, April 14th 2024.
On March 8th 2024, 40 attendees came along for a wetland information session at Hartwood Station, NSW.
On Sunday April 21st, 2024, the Women's Yarning Circle was a success for the Refreshing Rivers Program and YACTAC.
YACTAC staff, Andrea Mitchell and Bronwyn Thomas, at the Yarning Circle
A wonderful afternoon of connecting, networking and enjoying our guest speakers share their own journey of making an impact in rural and regional Australia. Supported by FRRR grant and YACTAC.
African Boxthorn integrated management workshop at Wanganella on Tuesday 21st May 2024 created huge interest on how to manage this invasive species.
Coleambally Central school helping restore and plant wetlands on the Yanco Creek.
Students conducting a citizen science eDNA sample to find out what is in the Yanco Creek.
Deniliquin High and Conargo Public school came out to volunteer plant either side of the bridge at Conargo on the Billabong Creek.
Finley High school out volunteer planting instream vegetation on the Billabong Creek, Jerilderie
Finley High school instream planting along the Billabong creek line in Jerilderie.