Flying Kites to Save a Parrot

Setting up a kite making stall at the Harden Kite festival proved to be an extremely beneficial awareness raising strategy for the plight of the Superb Parrot

Reaching Out - LLCI011-041

The issue

Opportunities to have conversations with local community about conservation issues is not that simple. We often run media campaigns to raise awareness or run events that people may attend, but these are generally people who already have an interest or with whom we are already connected.

The solution

A kite making stall at the biggest kite festival in the State.

Southern Tablelands Arts, the Office of Environment and Heritage and Lachlandcare Inc joined forces at the Harden Kite festival with a stall that provided children the opportunity to create their own Superb Parrot Kites. With a 10,000 strong crowd at the festival it wasn't long before we had a busy stream of children working hard to create the perfect flying device in the shape of the beautiful superb parrot.

Whilst the children were occupied the parents had the opportunity to engage with our team about the Superb Parrot and how we are trying to save it.

The impact

The event proved to be extremely successful with participants sharing knowledge about Superb Parrot sightings, nesting sites, joining our newsletter, following our social media pages, and submitting EOI's for habitat restoration opportunities.


Bringing together the arts and the science of Threatened Species Conservation together has proven to be a very valuable alliance and we will be working on new ideas to maximise our community engagement in the future.

Author: Mary Bonet

Key facts

  • Kite Making Stall
  • Created opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations with parents
  • leading to better engagement in our program
  • Awareness raising with children and adults

Project Partners