Landcarers working together
To promote, protect, preserve our local environment
Community Participation - LP2024-04
The issue
The Yass Area Network is one of many active Landcare networks who try to bring to the wider communities attention, activities and events which promote a caring and regenerative attitude to protecting our environment. This is achieved through the production of a monthly YAN Newsletter, regular updates to the YAN Facebook page and Landcare Group meetings held within Sutton, Murrumbateman, Yass and Bowning-Bookham.
The solution
Our region offers a range of services and events - one includes the operation of four native plant nurseries which supports the delivery of our Climate Ready program, where plants from the Box Gum Grass Woodland community are grown from native seed sourced from regions that the Yass region is likely to reflect in the future.
Paddock walks across Landholder or public property are regularly held to awaken an interest in native flora especially the small and difficult to identify plants which usually only appear in Spring.
Tree planting on Landcare member properties is another labour intensive but rewarding activity which often demonstrates how a small group of people can have a significant impact on a site.
Landcare volunteer engagement at Murrumbateman and Bowning-Bookham Primary schools and Yass High School is our local attempt to engage the next generation of potential Landcarers.
The impact
When plant sales are held at our native plant nurseries people often say thankyou for growing such great local plants and we respond by saying thankyou for chosing to purchase from a local Landcare native plant nursery.
Landcarers in the Yass region feel that they are making a small impact in trying to raise community awareness of the need to protect our native environment. However we can always do more if we had more active volunteers and people willing to suggest and manage new enviornmental focused projects. So if you have an interest in protecting, preserving and promoting the importance of looking after our environment join a Landcare group today - especially in the Yass region.
Persistence, accepting that it takes time and offering a range of activities to different age groups across the community - are strategies adopted by Landcare groups in the Yass Valley Region in their quest to attract new members to the Landcare community.
Key facts
- Community engagement