Tickets selling fast for Yass climate forum
The National Landcare Programme has enabled local Landcare groups around Yass, from Murrumbateman to Hovell’s Creek, to come together to discuss global warming and to explore how rural communities and farmers can contribute to ameliorating the problem while benefiting their land. These groups are organising a forum in Yass on 25th May, called ‘Join the Climate Conversation- Rural Communities Making a Difference’.
The National Landcare Programme has enabled local Landcare groups around Yass, from Murrumbateman to Hovell’s Creek, to come together to discuss global warming and to explore how rural communities and farmers can contribute to ameliorating the problem while benefiting their land. These groups are organising a forum in Yass on 25th May, called ‘Join the Climate Conversation- Rural Communities Making a Difference’.
The forum speakers are all experienced ‘hands-on’ people who want to help others make a difference to our individual and collective well-being. ANU paleoclimatologist, Dr Bradley Opdyke, will provide an understanding of how and why global warming is occurring, and discuss the urgency of the issue. Cooma farmer, Dr Charles Massy, will be speaking about his own changed attitudes to management practices on his farm and about other farmers also practising regenerative agriculture, as explained in his book The Call of the Reed Warbler. In this book he describes “…a new agriculture and the implications of landscape management…the actions of seemingly ordinary farmers extraordinarily regenerating their landscapes.” He has been a pivotal force in regenerative landscape management through grazing systems that promote healthy landscape function and will outline the role farmers can play in contributing to slowing the increase of carbon in the atmosphere Dr Christine Jones will discuss the importance of the carbon cycle and the benefits of revegetation and sequestration in the soil to improve water retention and land productivity. Dr Siwan Lovett will outline the ways communities can work together to achieve desirable outcomes, while reducing the effects of global warming. Participant engagement is a major theme of the day, and there will be time for questions and discussion in a final session as well as after each speaker.
Linda Cavanagh, coordinator of Boorowa and Hovell’s Creek Landcare Groups and chair of the organising committee, says “the speakers will explore ways in which farmers can and are managing the land while also helping to constrain warming and support the ecosystems on which we and other life depend. Through knowledge, questioning and understanding, the forum aims to empower communities to take effective action.”
There will also be displays by community groups supporting rural communities and landscapes, and by some relevant industry groups that can offer ways to help turn ideas into action. Local councillors and politicians have also been invited.
Everyone is welcome to attend the forum at Yass Memorial Hall, Friday 25th May 8.30am to 4pm. Tickets are available online early bird till May 11th 2018 $35, after May 11th $45 to cover expenses. A limited number of student rate tickets are available for $10 by contacting landcare@boorowa.net