Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups Annual Champions Dinner and Tour

Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups Annual Champions Dinner and Tour

Join Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups for the annual champions Awards dinner and tour on Saturday 18th November 2017. Event will include a visit to Rivers of Carbon and Yass Habitat Linkages sites inlcuding Matt Doyles Glen Ryan, the new Yass Community Garden and the wonderful Yass Gorge followed by a dinner at Yass Memorial Hall from 6pm. The MC for the evening will be Dr Siwan Lovett from Rivers of Carbon and guest speaker Professor John Lovett,

  • Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups Annual Champions Dinner and Tour
  • 2017-11-18T12:30:00+11:00
  • 2017-11-18T22:00:00+11:00
  • Join Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups for the annual champions Awards dinner and tour on Saturday 18th November 2017. Event will include a visit to Rivers of Carbon and Yass Habitat Linkages sites inlcuding Matt Doyles Glen Ryan, the new Yass Community Garden and the wonderful Yass Gorge followed by a dinner at Yass Memorial Hall from 6pm. The MC for the evening will be Dr Siwan Lovett from Rivers of Carbon and guest speaker Professor John Lovett,

18 Nov, 2017 from 12:30 PM to 10:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)


Yass Memorial Hall

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Join us for the YAN Landcare Awards dinner at
Yass Memorial Hall from 6pm. The MC for the
evening will be Dr Siwan Lovett from Rivers of
Carbon. Professor John Lovett, former chair of
the Cooperative Research Centre for Plant
Biosecurity has kindly agreed to be guest
speaker. John who lives locally has an
interesting and varied background in research
both in Australia and internationally and will
speak on the topic of biosecurity and its critical
importance to the environment.


The day will start with a Champions Tour hosted by
Rivers of Carbon and Yass Habitat Linkages to Matt
Doyles-Glen Ryan, Yass Community Nursery and
Yass Gorge with Ross Webster. The tour departs at
12.00 noon from Boorowa (meet outside the
ex-services club on Pudman street) and 12.30 from
Yass (at Banjo Patterson Park). Buses will return to
Yass Memorial Hall in time for YAN AGM at 5pm (for
those wishing to attend) and celebratory dinner at
6pm (in Yass Memorial Hall). Buses will return to
Boorowa after dinner. There are limited places on
the buses, so please book early.



The YAN AGM will take place at the Yass Memorial Hall at 5pm (those not wishing to attend the AGM can spend more time at the Yass Gorge or spend time in downtown Yass)

Funding for this event is provided by the National Landcare Programme and through the NSW Environmental Trust Bushconnect program and supported by Yass Area Network of Landcare groups, Rivers of Carbon, Boorowa Community Landcare, LachLandcare, Hovells Creek Landcare and South East Landcare

RSVP by Nov 12, 2017

to Mary Bonet

email: goulburnyass@lachlandcare.org.au or ph 0499 199 072

or book you ticket direct at
