Case Studies
Frogs and Biodiversity in your catchment
Farmers Creek Frog Monitoring Citizen Science project
Delivering the right trees in the right place through community tree planting programs.
Its so satisfying helping the community to plant trees. Not only are you building a better future for the environment, but you are bringing people together to share conversations and learn something.
Planting for Habitat & River Health
Collaboration improving river health and native fish and fauna habitat in Upper Horton
Daisy Day at Wirraminna
Paying it forward between community groups
What Lies Beneath
An on farm field day to investigate the importance of looking after your 'underground livestock' - increasing on farm biodiversity to improve soil health, increasing soil carbon and moisture retention to build resilience in your landscape
Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association go to the Rydal Show
Engaging the local community through a popular and well attended local rural show
Kyogle Koala Corridors
Landcare groups in the Kyogle area are collaborating to make landscape scale change in Koala corridors