Case Studies
Fire Management & Weed Identification in the Tarcutta Hills
Building knowledge around fire management techniques and weed identification for local landholders in the Tarcutta Valley and Kyeamba Valley Landcare Groups
Targeting Honey Locust on the Severn River
Improving river health and habitat values on the Severn River between Strathbogie and Ashford in Northern NSW through baseline monitoring and on ground control works.
Bobin Creek: Surviving Fire, Floods and Feral Intruders
Landholder action on erosion & tree loss
A Landcare approach to priority weed management
Working with the Local Control Authority to support residents and new Landcarers and groups
Beating Back Chilean Needle Grass
Collaboration counts in a local district fighting invasive weeds
Hospital Ground Revitalisation
A decade long project to reopen, revitalise, and regenerate the hospital arboretum, for the benefit of patients, visitors, staff, and the local fauna.
Pesky Privet Project
Community action on a catchment scale weed
Partnering to address priority weeds
Tweed Landcare Inc brings together many stakeholders to control Monkey’s Comb - a priority prevention weed.
Cohen's Reserve transformation
From impenetrable weeds to a community asset
Farming Smarter in Dry times
How do you get the best out of your farm in dry times?
Royalla Pest and Weeds workshops
The pest and weed workshops hosted by Royalla Landcare covered a broad range of species and targeted their identification and control.
"Weed of the Week" Project
An eight Week series of Advertorials raising awareness on priority and emerging weed species in the North West of NSW
Talking Weeds at the Winery
When garden plants turn bad
When garden plants turn bad: Environmental weeds of the Byron Shire
Landscapes of despair Horizons of opportunity
Investigating the management of established weeds in and around Tathra, with particular reference to bushfire recovery
Which weed is which?
Pest animal & weed fun at Henty Machinery Field Days 2019
Poisonous Weeds on the Farm
Managing Animal Health in Drought Conditions
Weed Education at Urunga Wetland
To address the impacts of invasive weeds Urunga Residents participated in a walk and talk workshop
Weeds and Absentee Landholders
Assessing and supporting Shoalhaven absentee landholders management of weeds and pests
Setting sights on river health
All aboard for the Upper Richmond Creek Crawl exploring weeds, erosion challenges and restoration efforts