Hawks Nest & Tea Gardens Bitou Busters 23rd April 2016 https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/hawks-nest-tea-gardens-bitou-busters https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/@@site-logo/landcare-nsw-logo-200.png Events 21 Oct, 2017 Final Bitou Busters Working-bee in 2017 & BBQ to follow Saturday 21 October 23 Sep, 2017 Bitou Busters September Working-bee 2017 Saturday 23 September 26 Aug, 2017 Bitou Busters August Working-bee 2017 Hawks Nest, NSW 2324 22 Jul, 2017 Bitou Busters July Working-bee 2017 Hawks Nest NSW 2324 24 Jun, 2017 Bitou Busters June Working-bee 2017 Hawks Nest, NSW 2324 27 May, 2017 Bitou Busters May Working-bee Saturday 27 May 2017 22 Apr, 2017 Bitou Busters working-bee Saturday 22 April. Planting natives. Hawks Nest. NSW 22 Apr, 2017 Bitou Busters April working-bee Saturday 22 April 2017 Hawks Nest NSW 2324 25 Mar, 2017 First Bitou Buster Working-bee Information will be posted closer to date of working-bee 26 Sep, 2015 Bushcare Major Day Out. 2015 Winda Woppa Reserve. Hawks Nest 26 Sep, 2015 Bushcare's Major Day Out. 2015 http://www.bushcaresmajordayout.org/location/winda-woppa-reserve 24 Jul, 2015 A free guided walk around Wallis Lake restoration sites on NSW mid-north coast Australian Association of Bush Regenerators Friday 24th July 2015 23 Jun, 2015 Managing feral animals on rural properties FREE WORKSHOP 13 Jun, 2015 Hunter Region Landcare Network Field Day Funded by Hunter Local Land Services. 16 May, 2015 Camera Trapping Workshop  Please RSVP by Thursday 14 May for location details and provide name(s), email and a contact phone number for each ... 26 Apr, 2015 Free workshop on woodland bird identification Sunday 26 April 2015 Martindale, NSW. RSVP 23 April 29 Mar, 2015 Free workshop on woodland bird identification Mount Vincent. Sunday 29 March 2015 18 Mar, 2015 By popular demand the Bitou Pizza and Drinks Social Date has been changed Changed to Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 5pm Benchmark on Booner, Hawks Nest. 05 Dec, 2014 Littoral Rainforest Walk & Talk 24 Nov, 2014 Come and discover the Wallamba River Learn whats being done by scientists, local businesses and organisations to improve water quality throughout the Great L... 07 Nov, 2014 Are you ready to start counting koalas Koala Count is starting tomorrow Friday 7 until November 17 17 Oct, 2014 Preparation of a Coastal Zone Management Plan for Various Great Lakes Beaches. Have your say via the online survey available on;- https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GreatLakesCoastalPlanCommunitySurvey).... 14 Oct, 2014 NEW DATE for a Hay Bale Morning. Tuesday 14 October. Meet Winda Woppa, Hawks Nest car park at 8.30am 11 Oct, 2014 Workshop on Native Bees 11 Oct, 2014 Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Seminar - Karuah Session by Mick Leon. Aboriginal Archaeologist 17 Sep, 2014 National Landcare Conference 2014 Early bird registration for this National Conference will close on 25th August 08 Sep, 2014 Free Facebook Training for Landcarers Monday 8th September 2014 Great Lakes Council building, small committee room, Breese Parade, Forster. 20 Aug, 2014 Port Stephens Marine Discovery Series This evening is free and bookings are not required 18 Aug, 2014 Continuing with the dune stabilisation in Hawks Nest Jimmys Beach, Hawks Nest and The Anchorage, Winda Woppa on Wednesday 17th September 2014 18 Aug, 2014 Bennetts Beach Dunecare Working the bush to the right of the park, beside the Surf Club Hawks Nest overlooking the beach 14 Aug, 2014 Bushcare Major Day Out Sunday 7 September. The Anchorage, Winda Woppa, Hawks Nest 11 Aug, 2014 Monday Morning Weeding Two Bitou Busters, Michael and Adele have started weekly weeding on a Monday morning and would love occasional or even r... 06 Aug, 2014 Dune stabilisation and planting day RSVP by 4 August 2014 The Great Lakes Council (GLC) has organised a dune stabilisation and planting day at Hawks Nest. 01 Aug, 2014 National Landcare Conference 2014 26 Jul, 2014 Launching of new Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens Bitou Busters Landcare Gateway We will be launching our new Landcare Gateway site to all the Bitou Busters at the next July working bee. Rights by-nc