K2C & Other Events
Film "Understory" followed Q&A session.
Join us for the Conservation Council’s annual dinner, a fundraising event that supports the operation of the Conservation Council ACT region.
"How the wheels are turning: a bigger picture of transport in the ACT". includes free ploughman’s lunch. YOU NEED TO REGISTER.
Join Friends of Grasslands as we walk with Rod Griffiths and other Walk the Border walkers on the last day of the Walk and see some significant grassland remnants. Following the walk Rod and walkers will join FOG at Hall Cemetery a high quality grassy woodland.
Join K2C and meet the Walk the Border walkers at the railway line near the Queanbeyan Race Course. John Briggs for K2C will point out the population of endangered species Button Wrinklewort (Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides).
Two great presentations and afternoon tea with Dr Lydia Guja talking about "Ex situ seed conservation at the National Seed Bank" and and Ms Karen Retra. "Getting to know native bees and other pollinator insects". Registration essential.
Two great presentations and afternoon tea with Dr Lydia Guja talking about "Ex situ seed conservation at the National Seed Bank" and Ms Karen Retra. "Getting to know native bees and other pollinator insects". Registration essential.
We have a great opportunity to thoroughly investigate weed-control methods in grassland at a 1–2 day visit to Mt Oak, near Bredbo. Our host will be Gidja Walker who has huge experience in weed control
A joint Friends of Grasslands (FOG) and Friends of Yass Gorge (FoYG).
Community Engagement Forum/Workshop: Creating a formula for success. This major forum/workshop will help community groups to strengthen their organisation and appeal. To attend you need to register. Please promote this event.
K2C's next Mini Forum“Bidding for the National Landcare Program Regional Land Partnership Fund” will be held on 10.45am to 12.15pm, Friday 20 October 201
Join K2C as we walk with Rod Griffiths and other walkers, as we plan to walk from along the railway line from Royally Drive to Williamsdale Drive and see some significant grassland remnants.
Learn about Citizen Science or ways to identify plants and animals you see using your smart phone or via your computer? Free coffee and snack.
Come and listen to a conversation between ABC Canberra’s Genevieve Jacobs with Charles Massy, a life long Monaro farmer and author of his previous bestselling book, "Breaking The Sheep’s Back", on his new challenging book. $20 to attend
Member consultation workshop for Southern ACT and Ginninderra Catchment Groups Strategic Planning
The full title "Symposium on fire management in the ACT in a changing climate" on 21-22 July
Enjoy an eco-tour of three ‘Land for Wildlife’ properties that also support a highly successful potato growing enterprise. Learn how to balance conservation with sustainable land management.
What reptiles might you expect to see in our local area? Where to look for them? How to photograph them and how to become a citizen scientist.
Organised by Mulligan’s Flat Woodland Sanctuary.