Case Studies
Salinity Scoping Study
Mid Macquarie Landcare partnered with Little River Landcare to deliver a Salinity Scoping Study for the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
November 2024Partnering for Success
Mid Macquarie Landcare partnered with the Friends of Burrendong Arboretum to engage with the community at the recent Wellington Show.
July 2024Saving the Superb Parrot and Regent Honeyeater
Workshops held throughout the Central West to raise awareness about these critically endangered species.
November 2021Fodder Factory Keeping Lambs Fed in Drought
EVAN FRANKHAM has got plenty of lush, nutritious feed on his Suntop farm to keep 500 breeding ewes in full production, but this fodder isn’t being grazed from his bare brown paddocks – it’s being produced from barley seed that’s sprouted in a purpose-made shed called a fodder factory
July 2020Ring the Bell
Rescuing the Bell River junction: Focusing on rehabilitation, to promote, educate, create and activate ongoing innovative staged solutions for restoration.
August 2019Drug Money for Landcare
Equipment seized by police in drug raids can have a more positive purpose in its next life.
June 2019Soils for Life Visit
Tour of Stuart Town and Burrendong Arboretum by Soils for Life founder Michael Jeffery
June 2019Battery Project
A two year project to raise awareness for people to safely discard old batteries lying around on rural properties and also in urban areas.
June 2019Grow Well, Live Well
Grow Well, Live Well: A partnership of community groups engaging youth, the elderly and other community stakeholders
June 2019Gross Pollutant Trap Success
Gross Pollutant Trap Success: Regional Council has committed to installing these traps on all inflows into the Macquarie River, from the areas of Dubbo and Wellington, over a four-year period.
June 2019Saving the Small Purple Pea
Educating the community about our environment and ways to help protect endangered species, such as Swainsona Recta - Small Purple Pea
June 2019Weeds Management
Options for controlling dominant weeds in the Wellington/Dunedoo aeas.
January 2017Mt Arthur Awareness Day
The Mt Arthur Trust invited interested parties to see what really happens at Mt Arthur, a special place where conservation and community come together.
January 2017Community Garden Upgrade
How a Work For The Dole Team has reinvigorated Wellington's Community Garden
January 2017