Macquarie Perch Community Knowledge survey
A survey on the your knowledge of the fish in your local rivers soon...
Local Land Services is leading a team with a long term vision to recover populations of the Endangered Macquarie Perch in South East NSW. The upper Murrumbidgee has the longest length of river where the fish remain Australia wide, yet the fish face critical challenges here. With the help of the local community and of a committed team of scientists and practitioners we have a chance to work towards a long term plan to Bring Back the Mac. A quick online ‘baseline community knowledge survey’ has been put together that we hope you will participate in. This is a survey of community knowledge of the Macquarie Perch, its habitat needs and its threats. If you prefer a paper version, please get in touch with felicity.sturgiss@lls.nsw.gov.au or Georgeanna Story at Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare on upper.murrumbidgee@gmail.com. You can find the survey here or follow the link on the Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Facebook site