Protecting and Enhancing our Rivers Field Day

Protecting and Enhancing our Rivers Field Day

Protecting and Enhancing our Rivers Field Day supported by UMLC, Numeralla Landcare and Cooma Waterwatch


21 Apr, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)


Badja River, via Numeralla

Contact Name

Contact Phone

0429 778633

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Join us: 

for a river walk to explore the intact riparian vegetation of the beautiful Badja River 

• to learn how to identify common riparian plant species 

• to discuss how we can enhance and protect our riparian zones 

for a demonstration on best practice revegetation techniques as developed by the experts for our local area 

to receive your free copy of the ‘Native Tree and Shrub Planting Guide’ and the ‘Stream Condition Checklist’ 


All welcome 

Morning tea provided 

Directions provided upon RSVP