Case Studies
Community Garden Upgrade
How a Work For The Dole Team has reinvigorated Wellington's Community Garden
Not Enough Hollows to go Around
Species Specific Nest Box Project
Training - Financial Management and Governance
Financial management and governance were repeatedly identified as organisational needs in local Landcare groups, so a training day was developed.
Training - Social Media and Online Presence
Social Media and Online Presence was repeatedly identified as a major organisational need by local Landcare groups, so a training day was developed.
School Indigenous Outdoor Learning Area
Teachers, students and parents sought to create an Indigenous learning and garden area with native foods and cultural items, with support from Landcare and Local Land Services.
Action Planning for the Mid Hunter LLC
Stakeholder input into the Landcare Coordinator Initiative in the Mid Hunter
Native Plant Workshops
Merriwa locals undergo training in native seed collection, identification & propagation.
Wollemi Weeds & Wine
A weekend of exploring, friendship and learning about the Wollemi – Martindale environment.
Reclaiming Alfred Road Reserve - Killabakh
Farm Gate Tour
Showcasing diverse enterprises in the lower Manning Valley.
Biological Crofton Weed Release In The Manning
Making a Difference
Walk in the Rainforest, Old Bar
Engaging the community at Old Bar in the protection of littoral rainforest
Weed Management Field Day
Weed management field day for cattle and horse owners
Building our presence in the local community
Promoting a newly-formed network
Talking About 'It'
Gwymac partnered with the Country Women's Association of Bundarra and Farm-Link to host a get-together to talk about 'it' - suicide prevention, mental health and wellbeing in the bush!
Biodiversity Forum
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Greater Sydney Intrepid Landcare
Inspiring the next Landcare generation in Sydney.
Strategic Plan (Sep16-Jun19)
Development of the Greater Sydney Landcare Network's Strategic Plan