Bushfire landscaping: designing gardens for bushfire-prone areas
Before you do – or redo – any landscaping, please read some of the references below! For general information, we recommend the CFA’s Landscaping for bushfire garden design and plant selection (free download from the Web), the RFS’ Planning for bush fire protection (free download from the Web), Lesley Corbett’s Safer gardens: plant flammability & planning for fire (can be purchased as hardcopy or a $12 ebook) and Essential Bushfire Safety Tips by Joan Webster. For information on the suitability of specific native and exotic species, we have brought together information relevant to many species that grow in our region. See link in this folder to: Detailed information on flammability of plants suitable for our region.
Contains lists of native plant species suitable for growing in our region, with information on their flammability.
Contains lists of exotic plant species suitable for growing in our region, with information on their flammability.
Presentation made to Murrumbateman Landcare Group 1 June 2023 (small revisions made).
Document on which the presentation was based. This document contains more information plus a large number of citations and references for further reading. Includes small revisions as at 19/6/2023.
This was developed by the Victorian CFA in response to Recommendation 44 from the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. It was first published in 2011; the most recent version is from 2022.
Note that Appendix 1 includes a methodology for calculating the size of an Asset Protection Zone.
Link is to the Amazon site where the ebook can be purchased for $11.99.
This covers a number of aspects of property protection from bushfires.