Trail cameras

MLG has three Browning trail cameras available to lend to financial members. Information about trail cameras in general and the Brownings in particular can be found in this folder.

This is a presentation made by Heather McGinness and Melissa Piper (CSIRO) to MLG on 2 August 2018. It covers general use of trail cameras, compares camera brands and has some lovely photos taken by the CSIRO cameras.

Presentation made to MLG by Sheridan Roberts on 2 August 2018. It includes information about MLG's Browning cameras and some general principles. A number of short videos have been removed. Some are attached as files in this folder.

10 second video of kangaroos in the orchard, November 2017. Click on the file link then Open to download and view.

Water sources are great places to put trail cameras. This example shows a pair of crimson rosellas drinking, August 2018. Click on the file link then Open to download and view.