MLG resource material
Presentations made to Murrumbateman Landcare Group and documents produced by Murrumbateman Landcare Group.
See separate category "Bushfire landscaping ...."on the MLG website for all the documents relating to this project.
Presentation by Elizabeth Goodfellow and Gill Hall to MLG June 2021.
This is a selection of local species that have been found amenable to nursery propagation and direct seeding. The list was originally prepared by Sue McIntyre in September 2016 and revised in September 2020.
Zoom meeting with presenter Tony Hill, Holistic Management Educator, EOV Master Verifier. Vimeo link to Zoom presentation :
Presentation made by illustrator Peter Marsack to MLG on 8 August 2019. Note that the original presentation has been edited somewhat to reduce the size.
MLG members Ro McFarlane and Debra Butt were among the participants in the “Habitat Corridors program” − an immersive science and creative interactive process aiming to build awareness around endangered species and habitats in regional NSW. The workshops on 27 July and 3 August were followed by a public forum where Ro and Debra were among the five speakers. Their presentation is attached to this page.
This very interesting talk was given to the Landcare Group on 6 June 2019 by Dr David Freudenberger, board member of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust. David told us about the different types of voluntary conservation agreements currently available in NSW. The attached presentation is very similar to the one presented on the night.
Presentation on the natural history of local goanna species, and how to conserve them, given by Dr Don Fletcher to Murrumbateman Landcare Group 4 April 2019.
Presentation made by Gill Hall to MLG meeting on 7 February 2019.
Talk given by MLG vice-president, Sue McIntyre, to Murrumbateman Landcare Group 7 February 2019.
See Trail cameras section of this website for presentations made to MLG by CSIRO (Heather McGinness and Melissa Piper) and MLG (Sheridan Roberts). Follow link.
A talk by Sue McIntyre given to MLG 5 July 2018. Covers species selection, vegetation and landscape types, whether you need to plant, and various Acacia species.
There were over 50 entries to the 'Whose scat is whose' competition, held at the Murrumbateman Field Days, 2017. The highest score was 11 out of 13, with one score of 10 and several of 9. Congratulations to the first and second place winners, both of whom have won a Family pass to the Snakes Alive exhibition at the ANBG in January! The second and equal third place winners were sisters, aged 9 and 7 - we're impressed! The answers can be found in the attached file (1.7 Mb).
Talk by Jacqui Stol from CSIRO (MLG president) about protecting grassy box gum woodlands.
With a particular focus on sustainable use of natural resources (including native biodiversity) in rural landscapes. The discussion was led by Sue McIntyre of MLG; the reference is McIntyre, S., McIvor, J. G. & Heard, K. M. (2002) (eds) Managing and conserving grassy woodlands (see Useful publications).
Talk presented to Murrumbateman Landcare Group by Katherina Ng, July 2017.
Similar to a talk presented by Geoff Robertson to MLG in 2015. Please note the file size before downloading - about 9Mb.