Weeds of concern in our area

This folder contains information about local weeds of concern. Most links are currently to the NSW WeedWise website, with additional information from Yass Valley Council and other sources. More information is being added over time. The WeedWise app can be obtained by following the link to be found in the Useful apps and websites folder of this website.

State: Prohibited Matter is biosecurity matter that is listed in Schedule 2 of the Biosecurity Act 2015, with the objective to prevent the entry of these species into NSW. Under this legislation, it is an offence to deal with or possess prohibited matter, and all persons have a duty to notify the local control authority of the presence or suspected presence of prohibited matter. Regional: Regional priority weeds are those that have been assessed by the South East Regional Weed Committee as posing a significant biosecurity risk and having a high feasibility of coordinated control. The South East Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 2023-2027 aims to prioritise the most important weeds in the region and guide management efforts to enable consistent and cooperative weed management across the whole of the South East Region.