
Site News

We're Green Globe Award winners!

We're excited to be able to share that Murrumbidgee Landcare's Cross Property project has just been announced as the winner of the "Natural Environment" Award in the 2016 Green Globe Awards.

Achievements of the Cross Property Planning project

Murrumbidgee Landcare's Cross Property Planning project has been very busy revegetating, protecting and enhancing native vegetation in the central Murrumbidgee region. In addition to our on-ground works, we have produced a collection of over 80 resources, which are now freely available on our website!

Progression Planning Day

Plan your future approach to the changing climate, environment and political scene. Free entry, free refreshment, free lunch, and Free entertainment by key speakers Isobel Knight, Rod Knight, Louisa Kiely and Antony Fountain. 8th July Wellington Civic Centre.

Local Interest Needed

People of Wellington and District make it your duty to yourself and your environment to get to the Progression Planning Day. Information and Advice on the future.

A great day had by those who showed

Although the number expected for our Progression Planning Day were not reached, the day was great. The speakers were inspirational, the food was superb and the venue was super. Those that showed got value for money, those that missed it out have made an economical/environmental loss.

2015 resolution - Just Do It!

Here we are at the start of another year, with everything to play for. Governments are yet to announce what, if any, support we will receive this year, but there is such a lot to do we can’t stop now!

Hot Nighttime temperatures causing stress in animals.

In the unprecedented heat waves of January 2017, Cowra Vet Centre says pet owners and farmers have reported animals showing visible signs of heat stress. People are controlling heat through artificial air-conditioning and not empathising with the stress animals in the environment are experiencing.

Your Energy

Great informed evening planned for November 6th. An energy forum about what is available in our region. Bring your energy questions to our handpicked panel of those in the know.

Honey Locust Field Day

Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare held their first Field Day last Sunday, looking at control of Woody Weeds and focusing particularly on Honey Locust, Green Cestrum and African Boxthorn.

MCCL celebrates our First Birthday

Members and guests of Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare enjoyed a great night on Sunday November 29, celebrating our first year in operation caring for our local environment by providing information and education to our community.

Nest Boxes Installed on Browns Creek

Several purpose built nest boxes have been installed in the trees along Browns Creek. The boxes are designed to provide nesting sites birds and small animals such as possums. Native animal often rely on hollows in old growth trees. When these are not available the nesting boxes can provide important alternative habitat.

More resources about Dung Beetles

We are hosting two Dung Beetle workshops in early December - the resources below will help you prepare for this workshop - but also to learn more about Dung Beetles in Australia after the workshop.

Need some ideas for water and erosion control on your property?

Central Tablelands Landcare with assistance through a non-competitive Landcare grant from the Central Tablelands LLS is bringing Cam Wilson to our district so that we can learn first hand some ideas for tackling erosion and slowing water in our local area. This will be a great follow up for our members that visited Mulloon Creek a few years ago.

We found out how you like to plant your trees

In September 2016 we sent out a quick survey to all our members on our e-newsletter list as well as posting the survey and links on Facebook and other social media. We got 60 replies back in total, 43 from our membership (about a 10% reply rate across our membership of about 400) and we also got 17 replies from our weblink and link on Facebook. The results will support our current application for revegetation grant support through the NSW Environmental Trust.

May is Membership Month

As "May is Membership Month" continues we thought we would share some information about you - our membership.... You may have to allow picture to download to see some of our info graphics in this post.