Case Studies
Fire Management & Weed Identification in the Tarcutta Hills
Building knowledge around fire management techniques and weed identification for local landholders in the Tarcutta Valley and Kyeamba Valley Landcare Groups
Upper Richmond River Festival
Putting the spotlight on river health though a festival program offering something for everyone with an interest in caring for our creeks and rivers
Central Tablelands Mycology May 2022
Mycology May is a regional collaboration between Central Tablelands Local Land Services, Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, DPI Mycology team and the Biodiversity Conservation Trust NSW.
Watershed Women - learning together
A group of like-minded women coming together for new experiences, building skills and friendships
It’s never too late to get involved
Encouraging Participation in NRM and Biodiversity in the Far West
Reconnecting with the land
Engaging with the younger generation in Far West NSW
Providing skills for Bushfire Recovery
HNLN teamed up with the charity RuffTRACK to run a skill-based workshop on fencing following the 2019-20 fires and floods.
Roving Trapper Program
Education, Information and On-ground action against Wild Dogs and Deer in the North West
Online facilitation skills training
Positive and productive online meetings
Connecting with our Community with Shorebirds
A community engagement program - taking a closer look at shorebirds of the Hunter & Manning regions
The complexities of pest animal control under climate change
Focus on Ferals Forum
Farming Smarter in Dry times
How do you get the best out of your farm in dry times?
Feral Fighters Rabbit Control Field Day
Managing rabbit populations in the New England region
Weed Education at Urunga Wetland
To address the impacts of invasive weeds Urunga Residents participated in a walk and talk workshop
On-farm compost making workshop
Farmers on the Central Coast learn skills in making compost on their farms
Supporting our neighbours
Working with our neighbouring Landcare networks to support their good work
Climate Reality leadership in Brisbane
LLC Clare heads to Brisbane to join Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project
Upper Bellinger River Aquatic & Terrestrial Habitat Connections
Engaging landholders and the community in improving Lowland Subtropical Rainforest riparian vegetation as vital habitat for threatened species
Macleay Hastings Landcare Feral Cat Workshops
Keep your ferals out, and your domestics in. That’s the message on how to reduce the impact of cats on our native wildlife.