Case Studies
Conducting Fauna Surveys
Landholders and community groups learn the importance of conducting fauna surveys
July 2024“Boots on ground”
Rebuilding functional landscapes
July 2024Be prepared! Fire Trailer field day
Gwymac teamed up with the RFS to provide insight on farm fire trailer setup and maintenance to assist landholders in the event of a bushfire
June 2024Celebrating Macintyre Development Unit
The Macintyre Development unit was formed by a group of people with vision of fixing land degradation and their aims were to educate people on economic, intelligent and effective land use
December 2023Creative Community Days
Creative workshops held in small rural towns to help build inclusive, friendly and more resilient communities
February 2023Increasing Koala Habitat
Planting koala feed trees on private property for increased habitat and connectivity
June 2022A Partnership in Biodiversity
The "Bush for Biodiversity" two day event highlighted the success of effective collaboration - "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
May 2022Combatting privet and other weeds
Gwymac and Nullamanna Landcare join forces to reduce the impact of weeds on the local environment
August 2021Rehydrating Landscapes and the Swanbrook Catchment
Rebuilding landscape function
August 2021Drought Resistant Herds and Pastures
Building Drought Resistant Herds and Robust Pastures
August 2020Drought Break Workshops
Drought break workshops supporting farming families
July 2020Controlling Indian Mynas and Feral Cats
Workshop held at Five Corners, Nullamanna
June 2019Widespread Weeds
Community gathering at Ashford 3 Mile Crossing to raise awareness about weeds
June 2019Invasive Indian Myna Birds!
Spreading the word about Indian Myna Birds in Inverell
June 2019Combatting Chilean Needle Grass
Combatting Chilean Needle Grass in the Inverell District
June 2019Farmers Together
Gwymac Inc partnered with Swan Vale Landcare Group to host a two day event in Inverell and Glen Innes to provide a farmer to farmer information exchange about the benefits of collective bargaining together as well as the benefits of establishing co-ops and to discuss opportunities for other farmer driven initiatives.
October 2018Carbon Farming and What It Means For You
Gwymac Inc partnered with Nullamanna Landcare Group to address the topic of soil carbon and carbon farming - identifying the importance of carbon sequestration in soils, the important role soil carbon plays in agriculture, its role in offsetting emissions and how farmers can earn income by improving their soil and therefore improving the resilience of the agricultural sector.
October 2018Fauna at Five Corners
Gwymac Inc was looking to host an Information Day and Field Trip to Nullamanna's private nature reserve called Five Corners to raise awareness of the value of conducting your own nature surveys and the fun of becoming a 'Citizen Scientist'.
October 2018Your Nest Egg, Your Future
Gwymac Inc partnered with the South West Inverell Landcare Group in order to host an Information Day with a view to addressing the issues facing aged farmers in the district when they are no longer active on their farm and seeking to retire.
October 2018Rural Women Shining in Regional Businesses
Gwymac Inc partnered with one of its ‘opportunity’ Landcare Groups called Ag-n-Chat in order to promote, support and display rural women with a regional business who were leaders in their field and could provide inspiration to other women in rural areas.
October 2018Grazing at 'The Gardens'
Gwymac Inc partnered with the Inverell Community Gardens to provide hands on practical training to local High School Agricultural students on the importance of ground cover and strategic grazing to improve soil organic carbon and pasture biomass.
March 2018South West Inverell Landcare Group Coordinated Pest Control Project
Ten landholders in the South West Inverell Landcare Group (SWI) were provided with mobile pig traps, Canid Pest Ejectors and Trail Cameras in order to trap and monitor vertebrate pests, namely wild dogs, pigs and foxes.
January 2018Productivity & Diversity Can Go Hand in Hand
Gwymac Inc partnered with the Ashford Landcare Group and invited Colin Seis to Ashford, northern NSW to talk about multi-species cropping and the benefits to both agriculture and the environment.
March 2018Talking About 'It'
Gwymac partnered with the Country Women's Association of Bundarra and Farm-Link to host a get-together to talk about 'it' - suicide prevention, mental health and wellbeing in the bush!
January 2017Masterman Range Landcare Group - It's Alive!
After a number of years 'in the wilderness', a small Landcare Group has breathed new life into an 'old' group thanks to new membership, renewed interest and the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative.
November 2016Macintyre River Focus, Northern NSW
Gwymac partnered with Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (NT LLS) to identify landholders in priority sub catchments to engage in river restoration and rehabilitation.
November 2016