Landcare Linkages for Biodiversity, Murrumbateman region

Landcare Linkages for Biodiversity in the Murrumbateman region was a major project, funded through three Commonwealth government grants. Murrumbateman Landcare Group worked with Greening Australia to link existing vegetation remnants to form a bush corridor from Picaree Hill (a large wooded area between Murrumbateman and Gundaroo) and the Mundoonen ranges, east of Yass. Under the project, many local landholders have received assistance to revegetate their properties. While the project formally finished in mid 2017, the Landcare Group has facilitated similar work on suitable properties.


White Box--Yellow Box--Blakely's Red Gum Woodland

Native grasses and native pastures

Grazing as a tool for biodiversity conservation in temperate grassy ecosystems

Identifying native perennial grasses

Paddock subdivision allows more strategic grazing
