
Group's Projects

Murrumbateman Landcare Group runs a community nursery where financial members can grow native plants for their property or garden, for free. The nursery provides everything needed to propagate selected natives from seed and from cuttings. Plants are looked after at the nursery until they are ready to plant out. The nursery is staffed by volunteers and is not a commercial concern.

In October 2019, a new community project was formed with the aim of protecting and enhancing a 4.4ha plot of crown reserve land in the centre of Murrumbateman village. The land contains a critically endangered ecological community of box gum woodland and derived native grassland. It is a rich habitat for the critically endangered golden sun moth and superb parrot. In 2019, MLG obtained a Community Environment Project Funding grant to rehabilitate the plot. In 2021, MLG received a Crown Reserves Improvement Fund grant for fencing and access points. Work done to date (October 2021) includes an environmental survey, weed management, rubbish removal, fencing and signage. See link to main entry on this website

During 2019 to 2021, Murrumbateman Landcare Group undertook an enhancement project to do an ecological survey of the conservation areas, install new informative signage, plant tube-stock native species and re-seed specific areas with native grass seed. The project will inform a new management plan to update the current interim plan of 2006. The project was funded by a Yass Valley Council Community Grant and Murrumbateman Progress Association, with in-kind contributions from MLG. See link to main entry on this website

This project is a collaboration of Landcare groups within the Yass Valley. The goal is to help indigenous plant species persist under climate change by increasing local genetic diversity. See link to main entry on this website

Indian Myna bird traps and instructions are available to financial members. Trail cameras and instructions are available to financial members. Books are available to financial members (see MLG library category on this site for details).

In addition to the projects listed, MLG has rehabilitated the Murrumbateman Common and is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a native garden in Jones Park in Murrumbateman village.

Landcare Linkages for Biodiversity in the Murrumbateman region was a major project, funded through three Commonwealth government grants. Murrumbateman Landcare Group worked with Greening Australia to link existing vegetation remnants to form a bush corridor from Picaree Hill (a large wooded area between Murrumbateman and Gundaroo) and the Mundoonen ranges, east of Yass. Under the project, many local landholders have received assistance to revegetate their properties. While the project formally finished in mid 2017, the Landcare Group has facilitated similar work on suitable properties.