Murrumbateman Village Box Gum Grassy Woodland
In October 2019, a new community project was formed with the aim of protecting and enhancing a 4.4ha plot of crown reserve land in the centre of Murrumbateman village. The land contains a critically endangered ecological community of box gum woodland and derived native grassland. It is a rich habitat for the critically endangered golden sun moth and superb parrot. In 2019, MLG obtained a Community Environment Project Funding grant to rehabilitate the plot. In 2021, MLG received a Crown Reserves Improvement Fund grant for fencing and access points. Work done to date (October 2021) includes an environmental survey, weed management, rubbish removal, fencing and signage. See link to main entry on this website
Murrumbateman Village Box Gum Grassy Woodland
In October 2019, a new community project was formed with the aim of protecting and enhancing a 4.4ha plot of crown reserve land in the centre of Murrumbateman village. The land contains a critically endangered ecological community of box gum woodland and derived native grassland. It is a rich habitat for the critically endangered golden sun moth and superb parrot. In 2019, MLG obtained a Community Environment Project Funding grant to rehabilitate the plot. In 2021, MLG received a Crown Reserves Improvement Fund grant for fencing and access points. Work done to date (October 2021) includes an environmental survey, weed management, rubbish removal, fencing and signage. See link to main entry on this website