Murrumbateman Bush Cemetery enhancement
During 2019 to 2021, Murrumbateman Landcare Group undertook an enhancement project to do an ecological survey of the conservation areas, install new informative signage, plant tube-stock native species and re-seed specific areas with native grass seed. The project will inform a new management plan to update the current interim plan of 2006. The project was funded by a Yass Valley Council Community Grant and Murrumbateman Progress Association, with in-kind contributions from MLG.
Murrumbateman Bush Cemetery enhancement
During 2019 to 2021, Murrumbateman Landcare Group undertook an enhancement project to do an ecological survey of the conservation areas, install new informative signage, plant tube-stock native species and re-seed specific areas with native grass seed. The project will inform a new management plan to update the current interim plan of 2006. The project was funded by a Yass Valley Council Community Grant and Murrumbateman Progress Association, with in-kind contributions from MLG.