Case Studies

57 case studies found

Controlling Indian Mynas and Feral Cats

Workshop held at Five Corners, Nullamanna

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Biological Weed Control

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW

Widespread Weeds

Community gathering at Ashford 3 Mile Crossing to raise awareness about weeds

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW

Invasive Indian Myna Birds!

Spreading the word about Indian Myna Birds in Inverell

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Combatting Chilean Needle Grass

Combatting Chilean Needle Grass in the Inverell District

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW

Indian Myna Action

Managing established pest animals

June 2019   MEPAAW Education Pest control

Combating the spread of Deer in Western NSW

Deer distribution across state is increasing at a rapid rate and education programs might

June 2019   MEPAAW Education

Informing the community on pests, weeds and biosecurity

Mid-Lachlan Landcare has run 2 pest animal and weeds roadshows aimed at building local landholder capacities to manage their pest animal and weed problems more efficiently with knowledge and support provided by Mid-Lachlan Landcare, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the Department of Primary Industries and Cowra Council.

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control

"Rats of the Sky" - Indian Mynas - not just an Urban problem

A recent roadshow of Myna Bird Control workshops highlighted the growing concern in both urban and rural areas of our region about the increasing numbers of Indian Myna birds in our region and their impact.

June 2019   MEPAAW

Learning about feral cats evasive nature

Research is underway to narrow down how to effectively manage feral cats on farm.

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Riverina MEPAAW Workshops

Regional Pest and Weeds Roadshow

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control

Oh deer! What a nuisance.

Increasing community awareness of deer in the Tweed

June 2019   MEPAAW Education

Crackdown on Indian Myna

Successful trapping techniques and the impact of Indian Myna’s on native birds was strongly presented at local workshop.

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Serrated Tussock, the Persistent Problem

Integrated monitoring and control of Serrated Tussock was a focus at the annual Farmer Update.

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Biodiversity

Fighting Fireweed

GLENRAC hosted a weeds workshop to increase knowledge and skills for Fireweed management and prevention.

May 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Education Monitoring

Spotlight on deer and other ferals

Understanding deer and raising awareness of efficient new control methods

May 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Ferals and Weeds across YAN

Feral and Invasive Weed Awareness across Yass Area Network

May 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control Education