Case Studies
A celebration in south-west Sydney
Greater Sydney Landcare Day and 10th Birthday
February 2025Streamwatch into Schools
Lessons Learned from Engaging Schools into Statewatch in Sydney's Southeast
July 2024A Bird’s Eye View of Progress
Using drones in Greater Sydney Landcare
July 2024Embracing Micro-Volunteering
Encouraging participation and leveraging skills from community members who would not usually contemplate volunteering.
July 2024Winter VCN Meeting
Volunteers Coordinator Network (VCN) quarterly meeting
July 2024Restoring Cumberland Plain Woodland
‘Birding and Bush care’ groups help restore remnant patches of critically endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland.
July 2024Connecting Outdoors- Mitchell Park Youth Campout
Engaging young adults and introducing them to the Landcare Community.
June 2024Riparian Restoration - Glen Davis
Landcare Youth Campouts in the Capertee Valley
July 2023A pulse check for Greater Sydney Landcare
Landcare and Bushcare contributions to the environment and beyond
June 2023Greater Sydney Landcare Forum and Awards
The region celebrates
September 2022The Hawkesbury Nepean Waterkeepers Alliance
Creating A Community Voice for The River
September 2022Measuring Impact
Utilising Salesforce to better manage our people, events, communications and capture the positive impact of our work on the ground
July 2022Landcare Yarning on Country
Culturally safe space and conversations
June 2022The online pivot - productive partnerships moves to Facebook
Self-paced online learning coming close to a face-to-face workshop
June 2022Roaming Landcare
The potential of established outdoor clubs to provide support to Landcare/Bushcare groups in Greater Sydney
August 2021Cobbitty focussed Landcare
Celebrating World Environment Day with landholders on a Cumberland Plain Woodland site
August 2021Call to action for Bindook fire affected area
Partners come together to help landholders still grappling with recovery from the Black Summer
July 2021Award winning Landcare
Fire recovery Landcare Group goes from strength to strenth
July 2021Cultural immersion for Greater Sydney Landcare
Learning about the history and traditions of our First Nations peoples
July 2021Greater Sydney volunteer numbers on the up
A pulse check of Bushcare and Landcare in Greater Sydney
July 2021Adventure Conservation - Partnering with our Neighbours
Partnership between young peoples' and remote Landcare projects, GSLN's Get Your Hands Dirty and Central Tablelands LLS' Living on the Edge.
July 2021Allendale Landcare Group
Formation of a new Landcare Group in response to bushfire recovery actions
September 2020Greater Sydney Landcare Strategic Plan review
A review of the GSLN Strategic Plan (2016-2019) was carried out and amended to guide us for the next three years
September 2020Online facilitation skills training
Positive and productive online meetings
July 2020Eucalyptus ID masterclass
Two-day intensive masterclass identifying eucalypts of the Western Sydney, Hawkesbury and Lower Blue Mountains Regions.
July 2020Get Your Hands Dirty
Get Your Hands Dirty! Empowering young people to become switched-on Landcare leaders caring for Sydney’s threatened bushland
July 2020Volunteer Coordinators Network (VCN)
Supporting bush regeneration in Greater Sydney
June 2020Field Day/ Workshop
Central Coast Plateau including Kulnura and Yarramalong areas: Healthy Soils & Integrated Weed management for improved land management - Sunday 26th May 2019
August 2019Supporting our neighbours
Working with our neighbouring Landcare networks to support their good work
June 2019Climate Reality leadership in Brisbane
LLC Clare heads to Brisbane to join Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project
June 2019What matters most – biannual survey of the Landcare and Bushcare community in Sydney
Surveying Landcare, Bushcare and environmental volunteers, professionals, government and buisnesses.
June 2019Welcoming the next chapter of Streamwatch with GSLN
We've taken on Streamwatch!
June 2019Fireweed and turf farming in the Hawkesbury lowlands
Various activities were carried out in an attempt to engage neighbours of Turf farms to better manage their Fireweed. Green cestrum and other toxic weeds were also included in the weed education, as a range of weeds that impose a threat to any farm operation in the area.
June 2019Green Drinks
Green Drinks is a monthly event for communities across western Sydney, where like-minded green people meet to offload and network with others about local environmental issues. The events are not all about drinking, but are held at pubs and include a meeting as the core component.
June 2019Saving the Cumberland Plain Woodland with fire
A partnership with Greater Sydney Landcare Network and the National Parks & Wildlife Service successfully gained $350,000 for fire management on western Sydney’s Critically Endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland.
June 2019BatBlitz Western Sydney
Citizen science and researching micro bats in a threatened western Sydney riparian environment
June 2019Groovin' Grassroots rocks Bedlam Bay
A festival to celebrate environmental volunteering in the heart of leafy north Sydney
May 2020A Safety First
Providing first aid training for our members
June 2019Deer in Greater Sydney
An information event for Landcarers, Councils and Property owners
June 2019Statewide Gathering Report for 2019
Revisiting the state-wide gathering of Landcare Coordinators across NSW
June 2019Partnerships in Landcare
Lake Parramatta Bushcare Kayaking
May 2019A communicative refresh
Reinvigorating GSLN branding and communications strategy to increase audience engagement
March 2019Reaching out with helping hands
Duty of care and OH&S obligations when managing volunteers – a workshop
March 2019Harbour Care by Kayak
Cleaning up plastic pollution in Sydney Harbour
January 2019Update on Greater Sydney's Young Landcarers
The next generation are taking action!
October 2018Adventure With Purpose
Engaging the outdoor recreation sector
October 2018Biodiversity Forum
Share Learn Connect
January 2017Cattai Hills Environment Network
Re-invigorating Landcare in the Cattai catchment and Hills Shire
November 2016Landcare Online
Raising awareness and buidling connections across Greater Sydney
November 2016Cumberland Plain Landcare Support
A support Program for western Sydney's Landcare and Bushcare community
November 2016Greater Sydney Intrepid Landcare
Inspiring the next Landcare generation in Sydney.
November 2016Strategic Plan (Sep16-Jun19)
Development of the Greater Sydney Landcare Network's Strategic Plan
November 2016