Case Studies
Turn Life's Lemons Into Lemonade
Free Workshops: Improve your productivity and decision making, and reduce stress. Laugh, connect and learn.
Wild Dog Awareness
Increasing Wild Dog Awareness in the Walgett Shire
Getting to know our Squirrel Gliders
Mid Lachlan Landcare has been identifying numerous sites inhabited by the Threatened Squirrel Glider and Landholders had expressed an interest in knowing more about this species.
Update on Greater Sydney's Young Landcarers
The next generation are taking action!
Adventure With Purpose
Engaging the outdoor recreation sector
Green Day turns ten!
Ten years old and Green Day still strikes a cord with young minds
Rice Stubble Management
Communicating best practice stubble management to rice growers
Deniliquin Lagoons Restoration Project
Partnership between High School, Community, Council and Business.
Oyster farmers shoreline cleanup
Port Stephens oyster farmers undertaken marine debris clean-up
Cover Cropping Workshop
A workshop and field day for growers to learn about cover cropping
Dogs Camera Action!
Seeking data on the existence and distribution of Vulnerable species in the Gwydir Shire.
Farmers Together
Gwymac Inc partnered with Swan Vale Landcare Group to host a two day event in Inverell and Glen Innes to provide a farmer to farmer information exchange about the benefits of collective bargaining together as well as the benefits of establishing co-ops and to discuss opportunities for other farmer driven initiatives.
Carbon Farming and What It Means For You
Gwymac Inc partnered with Nullamanna Landcare Group to address the topic of soil carbon and carbon farming - identifying the importance of carbon sequestration in soils, the important role soil carbon plays in agriculture, its role in offsetting emissions and how farmers can earn income by improving their soil and therefore improving the resilience of the agricultural sector.
Fauna at Five Corners
Gwymac Inc was looking to host an Information Day and Field Trip to Nullamanna's private nature reserve called Five Corners to raise awareness of the value of conducting your own nature surveys and the fun of becoming a 'Citizen Scientist'.