Case Studies
Living seedbanks to secure seed supply
Working with Landcare groups to establish plantings that can supply difficult to source endemic seed to nurseries into the future.
K-P Forest Wetland Monitoring
Koondrook-Perricoota State Forest Wetland and Understory Survey Monitoring
Passing on the Flame of Cultural Knowledge through Intergenerational Education
Wiradjuri Cultural Burns Team in partnership with Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc, RFS and Snowy Valleys Council, held an educational Cultural Burn at the Tumut wetlands. The events major aims were to educate and empower high school students about Cultural burning and build a connection to Country and First Nations Ecological Practice.
PLAYING THE LONG GAME. Protecting the future of Landcare by working with the grown ups of the future.
Murray Regional Roundup Magazine
Celebrating Agriculture and Landcare across the Murray Region
People Led Prevention
Protect Your Patch – Preparing local communities for natural disasters
Land for Wildlife a perfect fit for Landcare
The government supported 'Land for Wildlife' property assessment program is free to landholders providing them a host of landscape information and access to grant funding
Kids Learning and Restoring Wetlands
Coolamon Landcare hosted a workshop where local children learned about wetlands and participated in restoration activities, aiming to educate them on the importance of wetlands and foster a sense of environmental responsibility.
Flood risk mitigation – Phragmites demonstration site
Flood risk mitigation – Restoring eroded riverbanks with revegetation
Young District Grazing Group Start-Up
Building a resilient farming community in the Young community.
The 2023 Great Australian Wildlife Search
The Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, has participated in the Great Australian Wildlife Search, employing advanced environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques to provide a comprehensive view of local biodiversity.
Grazing for Tomorrow
Managing risks for positive landscape, business & well-being outcomes
Building Bridges to Boorowa
A 25-year partnership between North Sydney Bushcare and Boorowa Community Landcare Group