Case Studies

58 case studies found

Fireweed and turf farming in the Hawkesbury lowlands

Various activities were carried out in an attempt to engage neighbours of Turf farms to better manage their Fireweed. Green cestrum and other toxic weeds were also included in the weed education, as a range of weeds that impose a threat to any farm operation in the area.

June 2019   Education Livestock Community Cropping Pest control Landcare Grazing Local Government

Managing Established Pest Animals & Weeds Project (MEPAAW)

June 2019   Weed control Pest control Community

Controlling Indian Mynas and Feral Cats

Workshop held at Five Corners, Nullamanna

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Invasive Indian Myna Birds!

Spreading the word about Indian Myna Birds in Inverell

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Indian Myna Action

Managing established pest animals

June 2019   MEPAAW Education Pest control

Managing and Established Pest Animals and Weeds

Creating awareness and education around an integrated approach to pest animals and weeds.

June 2019   Weed control Pest control

Informing the community on pests, weeds and biosecurity

Mid-Lachlan Landcare has run 2 pest animal and weeds roadshows aimed at building local landholder capacities to manage their pest animal and weed problems more efficiently with knowledge and support provided by Mid-Lachlan Landcare, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the Department of Primary Industries and Cowra Council.

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control

Fighting ferals

Cross tenure feral animal and weed control to improve the condition of Eurobodalla EECs

June 2019   Pest control

Learning about feral cats evasive nature

Research is underway to narrow down how to effectively manage feral cats on farm.

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Riverina MEPAAW Workshops

Regional Pest and Weeds Roadshow

June 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control

Crackdown on Indian Myna

Successful trapping techniques and the impact of Indian Myna’s on native birds was strongly presented at local workshop.

June 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Spotlight on deer and other ferals

Understanding deer and raising awareness of efficient new control methods

May 2019   MEPAAW Pest control

Ferals and Weeds across YAN

Feral and Invasive Weed Awareness across Yass Area Network

May 2019   Weed control MEPAAW Pest control Education

Managing the Invasion of Indian Mynas

Information session to improve knowledge on managing Indian Mynas.

May 2019   Pest control

Keeping Vertebrate Pest Numbers at Bay

Capacity building of people is playing a critical role in controlling vertebrate pests in Western NSW

May 2019   Education Pest control

Drought time monitoring

Rabbits are never really gone

March 2019   Pest control

Organic Market Garden Mentoring Program

A mentoring program for young growers to learn organic market gardening in a hands-on commercial setting

February 2019   Pest control Community Youth Soils Planning Education

Optimising the use of Copper Fungicides Workshop

A workshop for growers to learn the most effective, economical and environmentally responsible ways to use copper fungicides

February 2019   Soils Education Pest control Workshops

Community out-foxed

Landcare supporting a community led fox trapping program in the Blue Mountains

February 2019   Pest control

Wild Dog Awareness

Increasing Wild Dog Awareness in the Walgett Shire

November 2018   EDITOR'S PICK Pest control Community