Case Studies
Regional Community of Practice
Expanding our capacity to bring people together to care for our landscapes, and to provide leadership and support to Landcarers to improve our natural environments.
Friends of River Street Wetlands
A Friends group formed to restore and care for a wetland, with support from Corowa District Landcare Inc and a Local Land Services Riparian Restoration Grant.
Friends of River Street Wetlands Collaborate
Geocachers and Friends of River Street Wetlands Collaborate for Wetland Wellbeing
Hay’s Women of the Riverina Forum
Hay Plains Landcare hosted the inaugural Women of the Riverina Forum in celebration of NSW Women’s Week.
People Led Preparedness
Building Communities Preparedness for Emergencies and Natural Disasters.
Landcare and Council: It works well in Wagga!
A successful relationship with your Local Council can have huge benefits for Landcare groups
Enhancing Farm Landscape Understanding
The workshop aimed to empower local farmers with a holistic understanding of their farm landscapes, fostering sustainability and resilience.
Kids and devices – Using them for good, not evil!
If you can’t beat them, join them; encouraging kids to use their devices - for positive outcomes
Fire Recovery at Reedy Creek Park
Landcare engaging with Batlow community groups to help fire recovery at Reedy Creek Park.
Bushfire recovery support in the Riverina Highlands
Working with local communities to recover from the Black Summer Fires of 2019-20.
BCT-Landcare Glossy Black Cockatoo Field Day
On Saturday 26th November 2022 a small group visited Scott Nature Reserve in Mulloon to learn about the Glossy Black Cockatoo and conservation efforts on private land.
Opening of the Narrandera Murrumbidgee Landcare office
A new multifunction hub, offering an inviting space that encourages people to drop in and actively engage with Landcare
Platy-project: Citizen scientist
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc and Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council (YACTAC) came together in the effort to spread awareness about conserving the habitats for Platypus in the Riverina
Resilient Pastures RCS Grazing Clinic
A 2.5 day grazing clinic for local landholders, focussing on how to build resilience and prepare for dry times. The clinic was run by Resource Consulting Services (RCS) Australia.
Agri System Development
Creating a range of Agri system opportunities in the Wakool region
Wakool Sheep Night 2022
An annual event, an iniative of Central Murray Best Wool Best Lamb
World Wetlands Day Yabby Festival
Celebrating World Wetland Day with a visit to Pollack Lagoon